Jade Hassouné

Retrouvez l'interview VF dans HypnoMag#6, pages 17 à 21.

Ecrit par albi2302 

Novembre 2017

You were born in Lebanon, you were raised in Switzerland, and now you live in Canada. You speak a several languages, right? Is it a good thing for your career ?

It does come in handy once in a while. I noticed that in Montréal, the French and English television industries are pretty divided. And since I studied acting in English, I have found that I work mostly in the English system. I've worked in French projects but usually as an English actor.

How did you know you wanted to be an actor ?

When I stepped on stage for the first time at 10 years old and felt such a feeling of connection to my heart. I experienced a sort of heart opening and vision of my future. Later, I realized that it's the feeling I've been after this whole time, the feeling of being connected to my creative source in the moment of performance.

You are one of the producers of the mini TV series “That’s My DJ”. What could you tell us about it ?

I am so proud of it ! I want everyone to watch all seasons, especially season 3 and 2. As an actor, season 3 is the best work I've ever done in my life so far. And to be a producer on it has been so great and full of discoveries. The show is about young professionals in the music industry who balance the act between creating a lasting career for themselves while learning about hurt, love, life challenges and growing up. I'd compare it to the U.K. TV show "Skins" and the show "Shameless". Each season can be watched in 30 minutes total. So it's a quick watch but it is very good! I am so impressed by everyone involved. We've got a super good cast and amazing creator/director and cinematographer. Please watch it and let me know what you think!! It's a show based in reality, so very different than Shadowhunters, but we go deep into dark subjects and life struggles that we can all relate to.

You were on season 7 of Heartland, playing Prince Ahmed Al Saeed. This show is a hit with 11 seasons already. Would you like to be back for a few episodes ?

I'd love to be back!! Every time they announce a new season I secretly wish to be invited even for a quick cameo! But I know that Prince Ahmed caused too much trouble to be welcomed back by the fans. I'll keep hoping !

French people know you because of Shadowhunters, the adaptation of the novel series “The Mortal Instruments”, where you play Meliorn character. Did you read the books before the audition ?

I read everything I could online before I auditioned and as soon as I was cast, I started the first book, then the second, because I wanted to read Meliorn's first appearance before shooting the first episode. I love the books and I'm so honored to bring it to life with my shadow-friends. 

How did you prepared yourself for the role of Merliorn ?

I read all the online content, I read the books, I saw fanart and art of Meliorn, I read fanfiction. I immersed myself in the Mortal Instruments world as much as I could. Then I used my intuition to bring it to life based on what I felt! And I think it worked. Also the costumes and sets on set really help to believe in the world.

Being a faerie knight, Meliorn is an enigmatic character, because he can’t lie, but he does manipulate people. A lot of actors love playing these difficult characters, because it’s a challenge for them. What about you ?

Oh man yes!! It is such a fun thing to be able to be a mystical being who loves to talk in riddles and is always hiding something. It's been a dream come true. I love epic things.

Recently, you were a guest to “The Hunter of Shadow” convention in Paris. Was that a your first time in France? And how did you feel meeting your French fans ?

It was so incredible. I have been to Paris before and other parts of France. But this time was so special. It was my first convention ever. And I was so touched by the love that was there in the fans. It was so fun to connect with them in person. We really are a giant international family forever connected. I met so many of my favorite fan-artists and was again blown away by all the talent. I had great laughs and moments of being so touched in my heart. I received so many gifts that I'm still waiting to unwrap. It was an unreal experience and I feel blessed to have such amazing backup by such beautiful people. And to spend time with my cast-mates and family in Paris was such a gift. One of the best summers of my life. Something I dreamed of when I was younger.

What are your plans for the next months ?

I'm currently shooting for Shadowhunters Season 3 and continuing work on my upcoming Ubisoft videogame. And auditioning for other projects. I recently moved into my own little loft that I love and enjoy spending time reflecting on my life and planning projects. I'm going to be playing a lot of guitar and singing for sure.

Would you want to tell something to your French fans ?

Je vous adore!! Et j'ai très hâte de vous revoir. Aussi j'ai hate de m'assoir et d'ouvrir mes cadeaux. Je sais ça m'a pris trop de temps. Mais je pense à vous tous les jours. À bientôt mes amis !! 

Ecrit par albi2302 
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