Charles D. Clark

Retrouvez l'interview VF dans HypnoMag#7, pages 30 à 33.

Ecrit par albi2302 

Février 2018

Hello Charles ! You are an actor not for so long. Could you tell us your story ?

I have been an aspiring actor for the past 3 years on small projects and for the past year I have moved up to now a professional SAG actor. It was something I always wanted to do and last year while working in the psychology field I saw a background part for Empire. Now I stay 13 and a half hours from Chicago. I drove there work as a background and my day on set I meet Terrence Howard, Trai Byers and Jussie. I knew then acting was my destiny. I drove 7 more times to Chicago doing only background work as crowd scenes or as a Empire employee but you really didn't see me..I was only a blur lol. The 8th time I went to Chicago my life changed. The director pick me to stand on stage with Xzibit and his main crew in a couple of scenes. It wa an amazing feeling but nothing definite yet. The next time I was called I was told I was officially added to Shine's Goon squad. As I kept getting called for different episodes for Season 3, showing up on time, impressing production with my dedication from such a long drive everything took a turn for the best. As you know of Season 4 I was a ( Directors Pick Recurring ) and now one of Shine's main goons / enforcers.

Which actors did inspire you or help you to start your career ?

Honestly Terrence Howard , Taraji P. Henson, ICE T, Xzibit and Samuel L. Jackson are my top 4 out of many. All of there testimonies, there grind and diversity in the business inspired me to follow there journey.

For now, you only played guest or recurring character. Which one is your best memory ?

Right now I'm officially have a recurring role which I'm so bless for. My best memory one was Season 4 Episode 5 because when Xzibit aka Shine dap me up in the studio scene I felt that authentic feeling knowing i'm part of the Empire team Shyne family .

Now, you are on Empire playing Shine's Main Goon. What direction would you want for you character ? Recurring maybe ?

As I stated in the previous questions I'm already a recurring ( 2 Seasons/8 Episodes. Of course I want my role to grow with speaking lines however I'm grateful for the love and magnitude of support from my Empire family.

What are your impressions playing with Taraji P. Henson, Terrence Howard or Xzibit ?

Simply outstanding and amazing ! These 3 stars are down to earth, hilarious but when it's time to take care of business that's what they do.

Are you a fan of TV Series ? Which one would you want to play on ?

God is amazing Empire France ! I was a fan of Empire and I'm on there. I was a fan of all of the true crime TV One along with  Discovery ID shows and I've been on almost everyone as a lead or co lead Detective or Interrogator to name a few. You gotta have faith.

If you were asked to play a lead role in a show, what kind of show would it be ?

I always wanted to do an action hero lead role or a role that is inspiring so I can help change people lives.

Which actor do you want to play with ? (cinema or television)

Terrence Howard

What could you tell for advice to the young people who want to become actors?

If you are only trying to be in acting just to be a movie star you will not make it long. Acting is requires more than the red carpet. The time, sacrifices and dedication is very challenging but well worth it.

French people don’t know you yet… Do you know France, and what do you want to say to your future french fans  ?

I know a little about the France culture. To all of my new fans in France and future fans. Thank all of you for supporting me and you are simply amazing. Whatever you want to do in life then just do it because you was born amazing. I am living proof my France family. I lost my dad at the age of 6, got into the street life gang banging which lead me to doing nearly 8 years in prison. Now I'm a father to an amazing & beautiful 7 year old name Cynne, multi award winning speaker and a professional SAG actor. Believe in yourself because I believe in you.

Ecrit par albi2302 
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